
5 Ways you Should be using Call Tracking in your Business

Have you already implemented call tracking software into your business?

Whether your answer is yes or no, it will benefit you to know some of the many ways this intricate software can be used to boost your business.

From effectively tracking your calls to maximising your valuable leads, let’s look at how you can use call tracking.

1. Staying on Top of all your Calls

One of the first ways you should be using call tracking is to, naturally, track your calls.

The software can expertly monitor every customer call and log crucial data such as – the call start and end time, call duration, the caller’s area code, and much more.

Every call, whether answered or not, will be logged in one central platform for full visibility of your customer interactions.

2. Analysing the Performance of your Campaigns

Call tracking can not only monitor your calls but can also be used to gain an in-depth understanding of your marketing performance.

For each call you receive, you can trace the specific campaigns that produced the call – this could be the exact touchpoint the customer called from, as well as the many campaigns visited beforehand that may have influenced the outcome.

With this, you’ll be able to assess which campaigns are generating the largest number of calls for your business, and thus bringing the most value.

3. Tracking your Most Valuable leads

Another way to use call tracking effectively is to focus on tracking your most valuable leads.

You can see the exact journeys of every customer using the software’s insights and reports, and then pinpoint the customers showing the most interest in purchasing, or possibly making the quickest conversions to a call.

This can help you identify the most important activities in your marketing, and by developing these areas further, you can increase your leads and sales.

4. Identifying Customer needs and pain points

Speech analytics is a useful feature you should be using with your call tracking software. This allows you to transcribe every customer call and intelligently detect certain keywords mentioned in call conversations.

These could be keywords indicating the main queries or pain points that customers have during their journey with your business.

In turn, you can use this information to better tailor your marketing to address these queries or resolve these challenges for a better customer experience.

On top of that, you can identify the keywords used by your high intent customers to help you drive more conversions at this point and boost sales.

5. Refining your Overall Budget

How you direct your marketing budget is crucial for your business, and call tracking can be used to refine this.

Using the software’s insights, you can easily establish the most valuable areas of your marketing that are delivering high numbers of conversions.

This provides a clearer idea of where to target your resources to produce the best return on investment from your strategies.

Call tracking reports are also great to use as evidence to bring to the management team when justifying increased or decreased spend in certain areas.

Will you be putting these useful methods into practice for your business?

On top of these, there are many other ways to optimise your use of call tracking, so be sure to look for further guidance on the software.

shrayan lakhna

Complete startup freak... Founder of Startup Opinions Expert in Google Analytics, ROI Tracking, SEO specialist, social marketing marketer.

Published by
shrayan lakhna

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