Startup Stories

Why You Need a Website for Your Startup

If you are a new, or recent business owner and are trying to get things off the ground, you are likely aware of all the daunting statistics surrounding new businesses and startups. The process is a big undertaking, and 30 percent of new businesses fail during their first two years.

You are going to want to give yourself every advantage that is available to you. One of those is, without a doubt, a good online presence – particularly a website. If you are still on the fence about investing in a website for your new business, below are the reasons it is absolutely essential.

A website is cost effective

Marketing and advertising are two costs that can quickly bankrupt a new business, especially if it doesn’t know what it is doing, or what it is investing in. Whether you have a brick and mortar store or not, a website is going to be a necessary companion.

With all of the web hosting and design options out there, building a great website for your company and brand has never been easier.

Unbeatable marketing opportunities

If you have spent any time perusing your market or desired online space, you will likely have noticed that competition is immense, and offerings equally so. As Baljot Saral, owner of Toronto-based web design company Web Sharx succinctly puts it “with so many competitors out there, you need to rely on custom website design to make sure that you showcase who you are.”

Having a customized website that really emphasized who you are and what you have to offer can make or break a startup company. Good, custom web design that communicates who you are is invaluable.

It makes you more credible

Like it or not, if you are a contemporary startup company, you are one hundred percent beholden to the whims and demands of an almost entirely digital age. One of the major implications of this is that people tend to expect a digital presence from you – particularly a web site.

In fact, a 2016 survey ran by Bright Local found that 34 percent of consumers thought a well-designed website made a local business more credible. Even if you have a winning product or service, without a website, your target market might dismiss you out of hand.

More convenient for your customers

In the digital age, people demand many things, but they want one thing, perhaps above all else: convenience. If you have a great product or service, but someone is outcompeting you on convenience, you are likely losing market share.

A website lets people see what you are about, and peruse your product and service offerings without having to either call you, or come into a physical location. People lead busy lives and want to be able to make purchases and gather information without a middle man.

Life as a new business is already tough and stressful enough as it is, there is no need to place any added burdens on yourself. If you were wondering what a great custom designed website can do for your new business, the above information has hopefully shone some valuable light.


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