
Time Management For Students: What, Why, and How?

Time is like the flow of water that never flow at the same place twice. It is the most valuable…

4 years ago

Major Challenges All Entrepreneurs Face And How to Overcome Them

Being an entrepreneur is great. Your income potential is unlimited, and you're in control of your most valuable asset: your…

4 years ago

महिला सशक्तिकरण क्या है? और महिला सशक्तिकरण पर निबंध

महिला सशक्तिकरण भी वही क्षमता हैं जहाँ पर महिलाएं अपने निर्णय स्वंय ले सकती हैं अपनी निजी स्वतंत्रता और स्वयं…

5 years ago

Top 7 Types of Entrepreneurs in 2024

An entrepreneur faces different type challenges every next moment.Success will be different for every entrepreneur and so their success story.

6 years ago

Lessons of life inspired by Mark Zuckerberg

Lately recently Facebook has got a lot of bad publicity, but no one can deny the humongous power it holds…

6 years ago

5 Tips for young entrepreneurs

A fresh entrepreneur in the market may or may not hit the perfect goal and may seek the right guidance…

6 years ago

5 steps that will help you in your entrepreneurial journey

Though being an entrepreneur is easy but the journey of becoming a successful entrepreneur is not a cakewalk.

6 years ago

Beware, entrepreneurs! Advice that may create a pitfall

No wonder entrepreneurs are always seeking someone’s guidance especially from people who have grown in their business ventures.

6 years ago

Mahommed Amir Ali, electricians son mopped Rs. 70 lakhs package from JMI diploma course

He opted for diploma in engineering from JMI in 2015 after failing for admission in engineering course despite of performing…

6 years ago

Sindhuja Rajaraman, India’s youngest CEO and a successful entrepreneur

Chennai born entrepreneur Sindhuja Rajaraman, at the age of 14, had become the youngest CEO in the country.

6 years ago