Whether you received a message from the credit card issuer that your credit card interest rates have increased or you noticed the change on your own, it’s worth figuring out the reason for the increased APR. The APR (Annual Percentage Rate) impacts the interest charges payable …
Water purification businesses are flourishing because of the increasing awareness of the importance of clean water for human health and the environment. Water is essential for all living beings, and clean water is crucial for maintaining good health. Unfortunately, many water sources, such as lakes, rivers, …
Traditional lending channels like banks are losing market share to new-age digital lending channels, digital lending applications, NBFCs and so on. These lending channels have flexible eligibility parameters for personal loans, hassle-free application process, and offer quick disbursements, making them popular among people looking for short-term …
The fintech industry has been rising for more than a decade. While few reputable financial experts anticipate the imminent end of traditional finance, many finance professionals are looking to make career moves into fintech to capitalize on its growth. Fortunately, the transition from traditional finance to …
Starting a venture capital firm can be an intimidating process. It takes work and requires careful planning, a deep understanding of the industry, and a solid business plan. Fortunately, there are well-defined steps that entrepreneurs and small business owners can take when starting a venture capital …
With so many differences between one startup to the next, there are few rules that apply to every single entrepreneur across the board. Just one piece of advice is universal. As a startup professional, you should never mix your personal and professional finances. What Could Go …
Gold is seen as a secure investment, especially when we’re talking about economic uncertainty times. In addition, it is an excellent option to diversify your portfolio. We will explore how to trade gold – namely how to buy and sell it in different ways. So, if …
Government employees are one of the most lucrative customers for banks. Their salaries and the amount of loan they can take are usually higher than other home loan customers. Plus, government employees have a stable source of income, a regular job, and, more importantly, a pension. …
Are you searching for the best term plan? Mr Ranjan, 45, worked for an IT MNC and resided in Bangalore with his wife, two children, and parents. He had purchased a one-crore term insurance policy in the hopes of covering his family’s financial obligations in his …