An exception is an occurrence or an issue that happens during the execution of a programme. When a programme encounters an exception in Selenium, the program’s normal flow is disrupted, and an exception object is generated. The computer then searches for someone who can handle the raised exception. The exception object offers a variety of debugging information, such as the method hierarchy, the line number where the issue occurred, and the exception type.
Handling Techniques of the Highest Order
- The try block is used to wrap code that might throw an exception.
- Finally, the block is used to execute crucial code such as closing connections, streams, and other things. Regardless of whether or not an exception is handled, it is always executed.
- To throw an exception, use the term “throw.”
- The term “throws” is used to specify exceptions. There isn’t a single exception. It mentions the possibility of an exception occurring during the operation. It’s frequently used together with a method signature.
You’ll encounter a variety of problems when you first start using Selenium webdriver, depending on the code you write. The same code works some of the time and doesn’t work other times. You want to create high-quality code that works properly while building a script.
There was an exception that was examined.
Exceptions that occur during the compilation process are known as compile time exceptions. If the code in a method throws a checked exception, the method must either handle it or use the throws keyword to identify it.
Exception that has gone unnoticed
Exceptions that arise during the execution of a programme are known as runtime exceptions. In C++, all exceptions are unchecked, unlike in Java, exceptions can be checked or unchecked. As a result, you are not required to handle or declare the exception by the compiler. Programmers must either specify or catch exceptions.
You should give method a go.
In the accompanying code, I used a try block to enter the statement that throws the exception. The statement’s driver is this. findElement(By.xpath(“/*[@id=’register’]”)). Click() raises an error because Selenium is unable to recognise the provided element on the Google Search page.
catching technique
The purpose is to handle the exception and continue running the application. In this scenario, I’ve created a catch block to handle the thrown exception. You must keep this in mind that you are always writing the exception after the code and the try block. As a result, when you execute the programme, the remaining statements will be printed.
In Selenium exceptions, how to handle exceptions During the execution of automation code, WebDriver is a common event. The exceptions, as the name indicates, are rare or extraordinary events that occur for a variety of reasons. The most important thing is to detect such problems early on.
As a result, anticipating and proactively managing unexpected situations before they emerge is known as Exception Addressing. These mistakes can be caused by a variety of factors, including incorrect syntax, incorrect argument passing, or a lack of specific functionality.